Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Two New Loves

For the past 2 days, Amelia has been carrying the following items around non-stop...a Wii Remote and a Whisk!
Why these 2 things?
Why are they fun?
I may never know, but it sure is interesting to watch her figure things out and make her own decisions. She is so attached to these items when we are home that she will try to scoop up other things she wants to play with while leaving the remote and the whisk in her hands. I am just glad that she hasn't tried to take them into her bed or in the car...yet!!!!

1 comment:

Andi said...

What is it about a whisk? My girls love them, too...especially Riley. She goes to the kitchen drawer and hunts them down. AND we had to put our x-box remote on top of the fridge...