Friday, April 30, 2010

You Know You're a Mother When... spend 3 hours on the bathroom floor comforting your child while they try to go #2 in the potty for the first time.

Yes, yes...this is TMI - but she finally did it!  And the kicker is...after all of that sitting and comforting, she did it on her own!  I had to go get August from the other room, so I walked out, picked him up, walked back in and she had done it!  It was a mess - but she did it!  I was so proud.  She was confused, but proud and SO glad it was over (it had been 4 days - enough said).

It's a good thing August was able to go with the flow this morning.  If he was a little older I think it would have been crazy!  But, luckily, he hung out in his bouncy chair - sometimes in the living room snoozing - sometimes in the bathroom with us - and sometimes just chilling and helping to comfort his sister. 

And that's enough about that!  The End!


Andi said...

Woohoo! Yay, Amelia!

Jamie said...

I have a pictur of John's!!! It is a good day! :)