Friday, February 19, 2010

Things I'm Working On...

1. I'm working with very little sleep again.  So far it hasn't been too horrible (knock on wood)!  He sleeps about 4 hours and then 3 hours at night.  I am usually able to get in a nap during the day, but recently Amelia has been sick and hasn't been taking a full nap (or napping at all).  So, by the time I get him fed and her settled down and lay my head on a pillow - it's about 10-20 minutes of sleep.  That is almost worse than not sleeping at all.  However, once she's better, the naps should get back to normal!

2.  I'm working patience with a whiny 2-year-old.  Yes, she's been sick, so whining is normal...but she is also 2 years old!  That means extra whining for apparently no reason.  I don't want to get mad at her, so I'm taking deep breaths and then trying to show her a different way to ask or get what she needs.  It's starting to work - but there have been a few time-outs necessary :)  She is a VERY good girl, and she is adjusting very well to having baby brother around - but I can tell that she is jealous sometimes and it makes me feel awful when I have to give my attention to him and not her.  When she's better - we'll go do something just the two of us :)

3.  I'm working on...getting out of the house in less than 30 minutes!  Yesterday I did it in about 15 and conquered a big fear - going to the grocery store with BOTH kids!  I did it!  AND I was able to get everything on my list and get home before August started crying - woo hoo!  It took about 30 minutes to put up all the groceries, but I'd rather have him cry at home than in the middle of the store.

4.  I'm working on...getting back into a normal routine.  This is happening some days, and then others are just out-of-whack.  The difference this time around is that I was prepared for the chaos and it's no big deal!  The stress level is much lower and I just roll with it.

5.  I'm working on...taking as many pictures of August as I did with Amelia.  I want him to have these to look back on when he's older like she does.  This one is pretty easy!

6.  Next...I'll be working on...getting August to sleep through the night.  I'm going to wait until he's about 2 months to move him into this own room and start the "Baby Wise" techniques we used with Amelia.  I have already started the "eat...wake...sleep" routine, so that is in place - hopefully the next step will go smoothly!  We started this much later with Amelia and she finally slept through the night at 6 months - since we've started right on time with him, I'm hoping for a full 8 hours of sleep MUCH, MUCH sooner!  Wish us luck!


sarah from the suburbs said...

Hang in there! Sounds like you are doing great! I have a feeling I will be turning to you very soon for tips and pointers on how to go from a mother of one to two! yikes! The other day it took just Kate and me soooooo long to get out of the house! I'm moving much slower these days being in my 3rd trimester.

Jamie said...

Great post! I can't wait to see you guys again.

Alison said...

I like this post too... I will probably be stealing this one in the future! ;-)